Registry Healer Online Help. Windows® Registry Cleaner software. What does a "match" mean? For example, in the status line of Registry Healer it might say 222 Invalid references, 213 picked, 73 matches. What is a match and why is it significant?
What does a "match" mean? For example, in the status line of Registry Healer it might say 222 Invalid references, 213 picked, 73 matches. What is a match and why is it significant?
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Registry Healer first scans the registry for invalid entries then it searches hard drives for any possible corrections. When it finds a correction (a file that matches to a mask) it increases the counter. So, in your test you had 73 matches. Note that a match is not a correction. Some invalid registry entries may have more than one file match on your disks, but you have to choose only one correction for an entry.

You can view all available corrections expanding items in tree view (click on [+] sign at left side of each node). Registry Healer always tries to automatically select a most appropriate correction from available staff - not simply a first item in the list. This makes working with the program more easier.

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